Beat the Heat: Steps to Safe Summer Cycling

 With temperatures hitting the 90’s, make sure to take precautionary measures when riding around town or even when participating in tours.

1. More often than not, cyclists tend to ignore the inherent signs of dehydration when riding. Don’t rely on your thirst levels and take every opportunity to replenish. Cycling is an intensive activity and the heat depletes your water even faster. Keep a portable water bottle with you at all times and take the time to hydrate.

2. While it’s vital to keep cool internally, still be aware of external factors that can prevent you from a smooth ride. There is an array of lightweight cycling outerwear that is perfect for the hot days. In more casual rides, make sure you are still being cautious of possible overheating and avoid heavy, heat inducing layers. Furthermore, you should always make sure to use sunscreen on uncovered areas to prevent burns and minimize UV radiation exposure.

3. While we no longer have to worry about slush or salt in the summer, the heat means that bicycles are more susceptible to tar. Make sure to take the time to clean your tires from any stickiness or grime that might attach throughout your ride.

4. Finally, as obvious as it may be, lock your rides! It may be common sense, but many tend to improperly lock their bikes, which is just a recipe for despair. Some tips in securing your bicycle include; locking the frame of the bike, rather than the wheel and avoiding placing the lock near the ground. Don’t make it easy for thieves to take your ride!

Most importantly, have fun! The warm weather isn’t here forever so take advantage of it while you can and ride on!