Saddle Up CU: A Park-to-Park Ride Guide

Kaufman Lake

Kaufman Lake


“Oh the weather outside is frightful”… But our rides are so delightful. Now let’s go, now let’s go, now let’s go!

Nature is the best remedy for winter-time ruts so here’s our a park-to-park ride guide.


Hessel Park to Dodds Park (Approx. 10-12 mile loop)

Hessel Park sits north of Kirby Avenue and a little west of State Street. There are a variety of neighborhood roads that can bring you safely to Hessel Park depending on where you start. Once you enjoy the Hessel Park loop, head to the north center of the park and take Elm Boulevard north. Take a left at John Street and ride west (crossing over Mattis Avenue) until taking a right onto Kenwood Road. Ride north on Kenwood Road for one block and take a left onto the O’Malley’s Alley Trail that starts right next to Austin Ln. After a couple minutes on the trail, take your first right (just before the bridge over Copper Slough) and head north. Cross over Springfield Avenue and pedal into the area around Kaufman Lake, keeping the Copper Slough to your left. Follow the path north to Dodds Park. Enjoy a loop around Dodds park and head back the way you came for a 10-12 mile ride!


Crystal Lake Park to Meadowbrook Park (Approx. 10-12 mile loop)

Crystal Lake Park sits just north of University Avenue and west of Broadway Avenue. Enter the park from the south by crossing University on McCullough Street, Race Street or Broadway Avenue. Enjoy the ride north towards the Anita Purves Nature Center (maybe even stop to look around!) and experience the calm, solitude of Busey Woods. Loop back to the south of Crystal Lake park and take Race Street south, passing through downtown Urbana (you could stop for a bite to eat!) and then through Urbana’s charming neighborhoods until Windsor Road. Cross over Windsor and enter Meadowbrook Park from the West. Take the paved path around the park and head back north on Race towards where you began.


Crystal Lake Park-Dodds Park (Approx. 30 mile loop)

To link these routes, start at Crystal Lake Park and follow the directions above to Meadowbrook Park. After your tour of Meadowbrook Park head west on Windsor Road. Cross over Neil Street and take a right onto Fox Drive. Take a quick left onto the paved path and meander through Mattis Park, heading north. Once you get to the top of the path, follow the fork to the right towards Valley Road (to continue straight at the fork will lead you onto Fox Drive again). You can take Valley Road to Kirby and then cross Kirby into Hessel Park! Follow the directions from Hessel Park to Dodds Park and reverse it for a great ride worthy of a great meal afterwards! Happy Riding! If you have you own favorite Park-to-Park rides, let us know in the comments!

BlogBike Writer